Tourism news and analytics of the Russian tourism market in English is a professional travel portal with an audience of 35-50 thousand unique users per day. The editorial staff issues news, reviews of the tourism market on a daily basis, covering all key events in the industry in Russia. You can become a subscriber of the daily English digest and be aware of all relevant topics.
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Who is the digest intended for
The digest will be useful for companies that have contracts with Russian tour operators, destinations, infrastructure facilities and for those interested in the reliability of their business. The audience of the digest is entrepreneurs interested in expanding contacts with the Russian tourist business and reading in English.
First try, then pay . Welcome Action
Subscribe to the news digest of Russian tourism industry and you will have 1-month free of charge. Fill in the feedback form and starting from the next working day, you will receive digest in English. For the first 100 subscribers, the cost of the digest for half a year is calculated based on $30 per month. The digest is issued on weekdays and includes from 1 to 5 relevant news items and articles about the tourism business in Russia.
The content of tourism business news digest in English
Everyday we work hard to make life of our clients better and happier
International tourism news
The news tells about key events in Russian outbound tourism market. We focus on topics related to trends and competition in the most popular destinations of outbound tourism from Russia: Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, the UAE and Thailand, and other popular countries.
News of domestic and inbound tourism in Russia
This includes reports on important events related to market regulation and legislative changes. Most of the news is related to the problems of incoming, the reception of foreigners in Russia. We also consider news events related to tourism infrastructure such as opening new hotels, resorts, and routes. Here we also write about key events.
Analytics is one of the few professional media in Russia, which regularly publishes analytical reviews and independent expert appraisal of the current events. Among other topics, we pay special attention to the research of cooperation preferences.
Our company has been working with this subject since 1997. Four times a year, the interviewers poll travel agents in Moscow and the Moscow Region to determine the preferred destinations of tourism and tour operators. Becoming subscribers of the English digest, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the rating tables and with the interpretation of changes in them, submitted by experts of the Russian market in all key destination countries from Russia.

And also... profiling
Profiling is an additional service that we provide to subscribers of the English digest of At your request, a profile for the travel business company you are interested in is compiled, it includes the following information:
An extract from the tour operator register (if the company is listed in the register)
Data on lawsuits over the past year (arbitration cases)
Data from state authorities on the founders and the head of the company
Monitoring: references to the company in professional media publications (within 6 months)
The service is paid for separately. Request a price.
To ask for the price
We wish you fruitful cooperation with Russian tourist business!
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